/* * NOTE * ---- * This configuration assumes that the development environment will be used with * run-app and the production environment will be used with the application * packaged as a WAR and deployed to tomcat. Running grails run-war or otherwise * running a WAR with the development profile set up or activating the * production environment when running grails run-app are scenarios that have * NOT been tested. */ // admin com.recomdata.administrator="wei.gu@uni.lu" // if running as a WAR, we need these def catalinaBase = System.getProperty('catalina.base') ?: '.' def explodedWarDir = catalinaBase + '/webapps/transmart' def solrPort = 8080 //port of appserver where solr runs (under ctx path /solr) def searchIndex = catalinaBase + '/searchIndex' //create this directory // for running transmart as WAR, create this directory and then create an alias // old versions of transmart also require an alias in tomcat or apache from // to expose this directory as /images/ // (usually transmart/images/tempImages) def jobsDirectory = "/var/tmp/jobs/" def oauthEnabled = true // I001 – Insertion point 'post-WAR-variables' //explodedWarDir = catalinaBase + '/webapps/transmart' //solrPort = 8080 //port of appserver where solr runs (under ctx path /solr) //searchIndex = catalinaBase + '/searchIndex' //create this directory // for running transmart as WAR, create this directory and make sure it's // writable by the user tomcat runs as //jobsDirectory = "/var/tmp/jobs/" /* Other things you may want to change: * – Log4j configuration * – 'Personalization & login' section * – Location of Solr instance in 'Faceted Search Configuration' * – For enabling SAML, editing the corresponding section is mandatory */ /* If you want to be able to regenerate this file easily, instead of editing * the generated file directly, create a Config-extra.groovy file in the root of * the transmart-data checkout. That file will be appended to this one whenever * the Config.groovy target is run */ /* {{{ Log4J Configuration */ log4j = { environments { development { root { info 'stdout' } // for a less verbose startup & shutdown warn 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring' warn 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg' warn 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.domain.GrailsDomainClassCleaner' debug 'org.transmartproject' debug 'com.recomdata' debug 'grails.app.services.com.recomdata' debug 'grails.app.services.org.transmartproject' debug 'grails.app.controllers.com.recomdata' debug 'grails.app.controllers.org.transmartproject' debug 'grails.app.domain.com.recomdata' debug 'grails.app.domain.org.transmartproject' // debug 'org.springframework.security' // (very verbose) debug 'org.grails.plugin.resource' } production { def logDirectory = "${catalinaBase}/logs".toString() appenders { rollingFile(name: 'transmart', file: "${logDirectory}/transmart.log", layout: pattern(conversionPattern: '%d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS} %5p %c{1} - %m%n'), maxFileSize: '100MB') } root { warn 'transmart' } } } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Faceted Search Configuration */ environments { development { com.rwg.solr.scheme = 'http' com.rwg.solr.host = 'localhost:8983' com.rwg.solr.path = '/solr/rwg/select/' } production { com.rwg.solr.scheme = 'http' com.rwg.solr.host = 'localhost:' + solrPort com.rwg.solr.path = '/solr/rwg/select/' } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Personalization & login */ // application logo to be used in the login page com.recomdata.largeLogo = "transmartlogo.jpg" // application logo to be used in the search page com.recomdata.searchtool.smallLogo="transmartlogosmall.jpg" // contact email address com.recomdata.contactUs = "mailto:transmartGPLsupport@recomdata.com" // application title com.recomdata.appTitle = "tranSMART v" + org.transmart.originalConfigBinding.appVersion + " (GPL, PostgresSQL)" // Location of the help pages // Currently, these are distribution with transmart, so it can also point to // that location copy. Should be an absolute URL com.recomdata.adminHelpURL = "" // Whether to enable guest auto login. // If it's enabled no login is required to access tranSMART. com.recomdata.guestAutoLogin = false environments { development { com.recomdata.guestAutoLogin = true } } // Guest account user name – if guestAutoLogin is true, this is the username of // the account that tranSMART will automatically authenticate users as. This will // control the level of access anonymous users will have (the access will be match // that of the account specified here). com.recomdata.guestUserName = 'guest' /* }}} */ /* {{{ Search tool configuration */ // Lucene index location for documentation search com.recomdata.searchengine.index = searchIndex /* see also com.recomdata.searchtool.smallogo in the personalization section */ /* }}} */ /* {{{ Dataset Explorer configuration */ com { recomdata { datasetExplorer { // set to 'true' (quotes included) to enable gene pattern integration genePatternEnabled = 'false' // The tomcat URL that gene pattern is deployed within -usually it's proxyed through apache genePatternURL = '' // Gene Pattern real URL with port number genePatternRealURLBehindProxy = '' // default Gene pattern user to start up - each tranSMART user will need a separate user account to be created in Gene Pattern genePatternUser = 'biomart' // Absolute path to PLINK executables plinkExcutable = '/usr/local/bin/plink' } } } // Metadata view com.recomdata.view.studyview = 'studydetail' com.recomdata.plugins.resultSize = 5000 /* }}} */ /* {{{ RModules & Data Export Configuration */ environments { // This is not used in recent versions; the URL is always /analysisFiles/ RModules.imageURL = "/tempImages/" //must end and start with / production { // The working direcotry for R scripts, where the jobs get created and // output files get generated RModules.tempFolderDirectory = jobsDirectory // Whether to copy the images from the jobs directory to another // directory from which they can be served. Should be false for // performance reasons. Files will be served from the // tempFolderDirectory instead, which should be exposed as // /analysisFiles (formerly: /tempImages) RModules.transferImageFile = false // Copy inside the exploded WAR. In actual production, we don't want this // The web server should be able to serve static files from this // directory via the logical name specified in the imageUrl config entry // Not needed because transferImageFile is false //Rmodules.temporaryImageFolder = explodedWarDir + '/images/tempImages/' } development { RModules.tempFolderDirectory = "/tmp" // we have stuff in _Events.groovy to make available the contens in // the tempFolderDirectory RModules.transferImageFile = false /* we don't need to specify temporaryImageDirectory, because we're not copying */ } // Used to access R jobs parent directory outside RModules (e.g. data export) com.recomdata.plugins.tempFolderDirectory = RModules.tempFolderDirectory } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Misc Configuration */ // This can be used to debug JavaScript callbacks in the dataset explorer in // Chrome. Unfortunately, it also sometimes causes chrome to segfault com.recomdata.debug.jsCallbacks = 'false' environments { production { com.recomdata.debug.jsCallbacks = 'false' } } grails.resources.adhoc.excludes = [ '/images' + RModules.imageURL + '**' ] /* }}} */ /* {{{ Spring Security configuration */ grails { plugin { springsecurity { // You probably won't want to change these // customized user GORM class userLookup.userDomainClassName = 'org.transmart.searchapp.AuthUser' // customized password field userLookup.passwordPropertyName = 'passwd' // customized user /role join GORM class userLookup.authorityJoinClassName = 'org.transmart.searchapp.AuthUser' // customized role GORM class authority.className = 'org.transmart.searchapp.Role' // request map GORM class name - request map is stored in the db requestMap.className = 'org.transmart.searchapp.Requestmap' // requestmap in db securityConfigType = grails.plugin.springsecurity.SecurityConfigType.Requestmap // url to redirect after login in successHandler.defaultTargetUrl = '/userLanding' // logout url logout.afterLogoutUrl = '/login/forceAuth' // configurable requestmap functionality in transmart is deprecated def useRequestMap = false if (useRequestMap) { // requestmap in db securityConfigType = 'Requestmap' // request map GORM class name - request map is stored in the db requestMap.className = 'org.transmart.searchapp.Requestmap' } else { securityConfigType = 'InterceptUrlMap' def oauthEndpoints = [ '/oauth/authorize.dispatch' : ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED'], '/oauth/token.dispatch' : ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED'], ] interceptUrlMap = [ '/login/**' : ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], '/css/**' : ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], '/js/**' : ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], '/images/analysisFiles/**' : ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED'], '/images/**' : ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], '/static/**' : ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], '/search/loadAJAX**' : ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], '/analysis/getGenePatternFile': ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], '/analysis/getTestFile' : ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'], '/requestmap/**' : ['ROLE_ADMIN'], '/role/**' : ['ROLE_ADMIN'], '/authUser/**' : ['ROLE_ADMIN'], '/secureObject/**' : ['ROLE_ADMIN'], '/accessLog/**' : ['ROLE_ADMIN'], '/authUserSecureAccess/**' : ['ROLE_ADMIN'], '/secureObjectPath/**' : ['ROLE_ADMIN'], '/userGroup/**' : ['ROLE_ADMIN'], '/secureObjectAccess/**' : ['ROLE_ADMIN'], * : (oauthEnabled ? oauthEndpoints : [:]), '/**' : ['IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED'], // must be last ] rejectIfNoRule = true } // Hash algorithm password.algorithm = 'bcrypt' // Number of bcrypt rounds password.bcrypt.logrounds = 14 /* {{{ Spring security – error messages */ errors.login.expired = 'Your account has expired' errors.login.passwordExpired = 'Your password has expired' errors.login.disabled = 'Your login has been disabled' errors.login.locked = 'Your account has been locked' errors.login.fail = 'Login has failed; check the provided credentials' /* }}} */ providerNames = [ 'daoAuthenticationProvider', 'anonymousAuthenticationProvider', 'rememberMeAuthenticationProvider', ] if (oauthEnabled) { providerNames << 'clientCredentialsAuthenticationProvider' oauthProvider { clients = [ [clientId: 'api-client', clientSecret: 'api-client'] ] } } } } } /* }}} */ //{{{ SAML Configuration org.transmart.security.samlEnabled = false if (org.transmart.security.samlEnabled) { grails.plugin.springsecurity.providerNames << 'samlAuthenticationProvider' org.transmart.security.ssoEnabled = "true" // ID of the Service Provider /* {{{ Service provider details (we) */ // URL to the IDP's metadata org.transmart.security.saml.sp.id = "gustavo-transmart" // URL of the service provider. This should be autodected, but it isn't org.transmart.security.saml.sp.url = "http://localhost:8080/transmart" // Alias of the Service Provider org.transmart.security.saml.sp.alias = "transmart" /* }}} */ // Metadata file of the provider. We insist on keeping instead of just // retrieving it from the provider on startup to prevent transmart from // being unable to start due to provider being down. A copy will still be // periodically fetched from the provider org.transmart.security.saml.idp.metadataFile="/home/gustavo/idp-metadata.xml" // path to keystore which contains keys used by the Service Provider /* {{{ Keystore details */ // Location of the keystore. You can use other schemes, like classpath:resource/samlKeystore.jks org.transmart.security.saml.keystore.file="file:///home/gustavo/transmart.jks" // keystore's storepass org.transmart.security.saml.keystore.password="changeit" // keystore's default key org.transmart.security.saml.keystore.defaultKey="saml-signing" // Alias of the encryption key in the keystore org.transmart.security.saml.keystore.encryptionKey.alias="saml-encryption" // Password of that the key with above alis in the keystore org.transmart.security.saml.keystore.encryptionKey.password="changeit" // Alias of the signing key in the keystore org.transmart.security.saml.keystore.signingKey.alias="saml-signing" // Password of that the key with above alis in the keystore org.transmart.security.saml.keystore.signingKey.password="changeit" /* }}} */ /* {{{ Creation of new users */ org.transmart.security.saml.createInexistentUsers = "true" org.transmart.security.saml.attribute.username = "urn:custodix:ciam:1.0:principal:username" org.transmart.security.saml.attribute.firstName = "urn:oid:" org.transmart.security.saml.attribute.lastName = "urn:oid:" org.transmart.security.saml.attribute.email = "" /* }}} */ // // Except maybe for the binding, you probably won't want to change the rest: // // These two keys are referenced above // Alias of the Service Provider's signing key, see keystore details org.transmart.security.saml.sp.signingKeyAlias = "saml-signing" // Alias of the Service Provider's encryption key org.transmart.security.saml.sp.encryptionKeyAlias = "saml-encryption" // URL to redirect to after successful authentication org.transmart.security.successRedirectHandler.defaultTargetUrl = grails.plugin.springsecurity.successHandler.defaultTargetUrl // URL to redirect to after successful logout org.transmart.security.successLogoutHandler.defaultTargetUrl = grails.plugin.springsecurity.logout.afterLogoutUrl // Suffix of the login filter, saml authentication is initiated when user browses to this url org.transmart.security.saml.entryPoint.filterProcesses = "/saml/login" // SAML Binding to be used for above entry point url. org.transmart.security.saml.entryPoint.binding = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" // This property must be set otherwise the default binding is used which, in this configuration, is HTTP-ARTIFACT org.transmart.security.saml.entryPoint.defaultAssertionConsumerIndex = "1" // Suffix of the Service Provider's metadata, this url needs to be configured on IDP org.transmart.security.saml.metadata.filterSuffix = "/saml/metadata" // Id of the spring security's authentication manager org.transmart.security.saml.authenticationManager = "authenticationManager" // Whether sessions should be invalidated after logout org.transmart.security.saml.logout.invalidateHttpSession = "true" // Id of the spring security user service that should be called to fetch users. org.transmart.security.saml.userService = "org.transmart.FederatedUserDetailsService" } //if (org.transmart.security.samlEnabled) // }}} com.galaxy.blend4j.galaxyEnabled = true com.galaxy.blend4j.galaxyURL = "http://galaxy.uni.lux:80" /* {{{ Quartz jobs configuration */ // start delay for the sweep job com.recomdata.export.jobs.sweep.startDelay =60000 // d*h*m*s*1000 // repeat interval for the sweep job com.recomdata.export.jobs.sweep.repeatInterval = 86400000 // d*h*m*s*1000 // specify the age of files to be deleted (in days) com.recomdata.export.jobs.sweep.fileAge = 3 /* }}} */ // I002 – Insertion point 'end' //com.recomdata.contactUs = "mailto:support@mycompany.com" // You MUST leave this at the end // Do not move it up, otherwise syntax errors may not be detected org.transmart.configFine = true // vim: set fdm=marker et ts=4 sw=4 filetype=groovy ai: