From the BCA file "20230217_BCA_Assemb_Nuc-CytFr_B9_D60", data to be considered from the table for Batch 9: A-B 1-9: Standard curve B-C 1-4: Samples From the BCA file "20230123_BCA_Assemb-NDHF-PROGERIN_D30B11_D60B10-B11_CytFrA-D_NucFrE-H", data to be considered from the table for Batch 10 and Batch 11: E-F 1-9: Standard curve G-H 5-12: Samples From the BCA file "20230119_BCA_Assemb-NDHF-PROGERIN_D60-0-4-DOX_B5-B6-B7-B8_NuclearFraction", data to be considered from the table for Batch 7: A-B 1-9: Standard curve B-C 8-12: Samples